Monday, June 13, 2011

Trying again

I wrote yesterday that we had done nothing over the weekend. Then posted some of the things we had done. I amounted to cleaning out a kitchen cabinet, and working on a marriage. Not that the marriage was in trouble but Rick and I both realize that a good union of a man and woman needs lots of attention may I even say work. We had the best time talking and talking and laughing and just being with each other.
I have been reading other blogs this morning and notice how people keep saying how they are blessed. I too am so blessed. I forget it so often and I get caught up in the " I wants" and I forget about the "I haves" God has given me a wonderful husband, and two wonderful husbands before him. So many women don't get the joy of having one good marriage and I have had three. I have three super children. All are so different but yet each a blessing to me. I have six, yes I still say six, perfect grandchildren. I have not been allowed to see two of them for many years but I am looking forward to the day I will see them and make up for the time of missed hugs and kisses. My Mother is still living and as I speak is moving into a townhouse with her husband. She is in WV so I don't get to see her that often. I have two sisters who live in the same area as my Mom they are a blessing also. Thank you God for my family! My cup runs over in love.

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